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Explicit bounds on primes
Collecting references:
Dusart, 1998 †Dusart, P. 1998
Autour de la fonction qui compte le nombre de nombres premiers
Ph.D. thesis, Limoges, . 173 pp.],
Dusart, 2016 †Dusart, Pierre. 2016
Estimates of {$\psi,\theta$} for large values of {$x$} without the Riemann hypothesis
Math. Comp., 85(298), 875--888.],
1. Bounds on primes, in special ranges
The paper
Rosser & Schoenfeld, 1962 †Rosser, J.B., & Schoenfeld, L. 1962
Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers
Illinois J. Math., 6, 64--94.],
contains several bounds valid only when the variable is small enough.
Büthe, 2016 †Büthe, Jan. 2016
Estimating {$\pi(x)$} and related functions under partial RH assumptions
Math. Comp., 85(301), 2483--2498.], the
author proves the next theorem.
Theorem (2016)
Assume the Riemann Hypothesis has been checked up to height
$H_0$. Then when $x$ satisfies $\sqrt{x/\log x}\le H_0/4.92$, we have
- $|\psi(x)-x|\le \frac{\sqrt{x}}{8\pi}\log^2x$ when $x > 59$,
- $|\theta(x)-x|\le \frac{\sqrt{x}}{8\pi}\log^2x$ when $x > 599$,
- $|\pi(x)-\text{li}(x)|\le \frac{\sqrt{x}}{8\pi}\log x$ when
$x > 2657$.
If we use the value $H_0=30\,610\,046\,000$ obtained by D. Platt
Platt, 2017 †Platt, David J. 2017
Isolating some non-trivial zeros of zeta
Math. Comp., 86(307), 2449--2467.], these
bounds are thus valid for $x\le 1.8\cdot 10^{21}$.
Büthe, 2018 †Büthe, Jan. 2018
An analytic method for bounding {$\psi(x)$}
Math. Comp., 87(312), 1991--2009.],
the following bounds are also obtained.
Theorem (2018)
We have
- $|\psi(x)-x|\le 0.94\sqrt{x}$ when $11 < x\le 10^{19}$,
- $0<\text{li}(x)-\pi(x)\le\frac{\sqrt{x}}{\log
x}\Bigl(1.95+\frac{3.9}{\log x}+\frac{19.5}{\log^2x}\Bigr)$ when
$2\le x\le 10^{19}$.
2. Bounds on primes, without any congruence condition
The subject really started with the four papers
Rosser, 1941 †Rosser, J.B. 1941
Explicit bounds for some functions of prime numbers
Amer. J. Math., 63, 211--232.],
Rosser & Schoenfeld, 1962 †Rosser, J.B., & Schoenfeld, L. 1962
Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers
Illinois J. Math., 6, 64--94.],
Rosser & Schoenfeld, 1975 †Rosser, J.B., & Schoenfeld, L. 1975
Sharper bounds for the Chebyshev Functions $\vartheta(X)$ and $\psi(X)$
Math. Comp., 29(129), 243--269.]
Schoenfeld, 1976 †Schoenfeld, L. 1976
Sharper bounds for the Chebyshev Functions $\vartheta(X)$ and $\psi(X)$ II
Math. Comp., 30(134), 337--360.].
We recall the usual notation: $\pi(x)$ is the number of primes up to
$x$ (so that $\pi(3)=2$), the function $\psi(x)$ is the summatory
function of the van Mangold function $\Lambda$,
i.e. $\psi(x)=\sum_{n\le x}\Lambda(n)$, while we also define
$\vartheta(x)=\sum_{p\le x}\log p$.
Here are some elegant bounds that one can find in these papers.
Theorem (1962)
- For $x > 0$, we have
$\psi(x)\le 1.03883 x$ and the maximum of $\psi(x)/x$ is
attained at $x=113$.
- When $x\ge17$, we have $\pi(x) > x/\log x$.
- When $x > 1$, we have $\displaystyle \sum_{p\le x}1/p > \log\log x$.
- When $x > 1$, we have $\displaystyle \sum_{p\le x}(\log p)/p <
\log x$.
There are many other results in these papers.
Dusart, 1999a †Dusart, P. 1999a
Inégalités explicites pour $\psi(X)$, $\theta(X)$, $\pi(X)$ et les nombres premiers
C. R. Math. Acad. Sci., Soc. R. Can., 21(2), 53--59.],
on can find among other things the inequality
\text{When $x\ge17$, we have } \pi(x) > \frac{x}{\log x -1}.
And also
Theorem (1999)
- When $x\ge e^{22}$, we have
- When $x\ge 10\,544\,111$, we have $\displaystyle\vartheta(x)=x+O^*\Bigl(0.006788\frac{x}{\log
- When $x\ge 3\,594\,641$, we have $\displaystyle\vartheta(x)=x+O^*\Bigl(0.2\frac{x}{\log^2
- When $x > 1$, we have $\displaystyle\vartheta(x)=x+O^*\Bigl(515\frac{x}{\log^3
This is improved in
Dusart, 2018 †Dusart, P. 2018
Estimates of some functions over primes
Ramanujan J., 45(1), 227--251.],
and in particular, it is shown that the 515 above can be replaced by
20.83 and also that
\text{When $x\ge 89\,967\,803$, we have } \vartheta(x)=x+O^*\Bigl(\frac{x}{\log^3
Bounds of the shape $|\psi(x)-x|\le \epsilon x$ have started appearing
Rosser & Schoenfeld, 1962 †Rosser, J.B., & Schoenfeld, L. 1962
Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers
Illinois J. Math., 6, 64--94.].
The latest paper is
Faber & Kadiri, 2015 †Faber, L., & Kadiri, H. 2015
New bounds for $\psi(x)$
Math. Comp., 84(293), 1339--1357.]
with its corrigendum
undefined †undefined
where the explicit density estimate from
Kadiri, 2013 †Kadiri, H. 2013
A zero density result for the Riemann zeta function
Acta Arith., 160(2), 185--200.]
is put to contribution, even for moderate
values of the variable. In particular
\text{When $x\ge 485\,165\,196$, we have } \psi(x)=x+O^*(0.00053699\,x).
Platt & Trudgian, 2021b †Platt, David J., & Trudgian, Timothy S. 2021b
The error term in the prime number theorem
Math. Comp., 90(328), 871--881.],
one find the following estimate
Theorem (2021)
When $x\ge e^{2000}$, we have
$\biggl|\frac{\psi(x)-x}{x}\biggr|\le 235\,(\log
x)^{0.52}\exp-\sqrt{\frac{\log x}{5.573412}}\;.$
Refined bounds for $\pi(x)$ are to be found in
Panaitopol, 2000 †Panaitopol, L. 2000
A formula for {$\pi(x)$} applied to a result of Koninck-Ivić
Nieuw Arch. Wiskd. (5), 1(1), 55--56.]
and in
Axler, 2016 †Axler, Christian. 2016
New bounds for the prime counting function
Integers, 16, Paper No. A22, 15.].
By comparing in an efficient manner with $\psi(x)-x$,
Ramaré, 2013a †Ramaré, O. 2013a
Explicit estimates for the summatory function of ${\Lambda}(n)/n$ from the one of ${\Lambda}(n)$
Acta Arith., 159(2), 113--122.],
obtained the next two results. [There was an error in this paper which
is corrected below].
Theorem (2013)
For $x > 1$, we have
$\sum_{n\le x}\Lambda(n)/n=\log x-\gamma+O^*(1.833/\log^2x)$.
When $x\ge 1\,520\,000$, we can replace the error term by $O^*(0.0067/\log
x)$. When $x\ge 468\,000$, we can replace the error term by $O^*(0.01/\log
Furthermore, when $1\le x\le 10^{10}$, this error term can be
replaced by $O^*(1.31/\sqrt{x})$.
Theorem (2013)
For $x\ge 8950$, we have
\sum_{n\le x}\Lambda(n)/n=\log x-\gamma
+\frac{\psi(x)-x}{x}+O^*\Bigl(\frac{1}{2\sqrt{x}}+1.75\cdot 10^{-12}\Bigl)
Mawia, 2017 †Mawia, Ramdin. 2017
Explicit estimates for some summatory functions of primes
Integers, 17, 18pp. A11.]
developed the method to incorporate more functions (and corrected the
initial work), extending results of
Rosser & Schoenfeld, 1962 †Rosser, J.B., & Schoenfeld, L. 1962
Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers
Illinois J. Math., 6, 64--94.].
Here are some of his results.
Theorem (2017)
For $x\ge 2$, we have
\sum_{p\le x}\frac1p=\log\log x+B+O^*\Bigl(\frac{4}{\log^3x}\Bigr).
When $x\ge 1000$, one can replace the 4 in the error term by 2.3,
and when $x\ge24284$, by 1. The constant $B$ is the expected one.
Theorem (2017)
For $\log x\ge 4635$, we have
\sum_{p\le x}\frac1p=\log\log
x+B+O^*\Bigl(1.1\frac{\exp(-\sqrt{0.175\log x})}{(\log x)^{3/4}}\Bigr).
When truncating sums over primes, Lemma 3.2 of
Ramaré, 2016 †Ramaré, O. 2016
An explicit density estimate for Dirichlet $L$-series
Math. Comp., 85(297), 335--356.]
is handy.
Theorem (2016)
Let $f$ be a C${}^1$ non-negative, non-increasing function over
$[P,\infty[$, where $P\ge 3\,600\,000$ is a real number and such
that $\lim_{t\rightarrow\infty}tf(t)=0$.
We have
\sum_{p\ge P} f(p)\log p
\le (1+\epsilon) \int_P^\infty f(t) dt + \epsilon P f(P) + P
f(P) / (5 \log^2 P)
with $\epsilon=1/914$. When we can only ensure $P\ge2$, then a similar
inequality holds, simply replacing the last $1/5$ by a 4.
The above result relies on (5.1*) of
Schoenfeld, 1976 †Schoenfeld, L. 1976
Sharper bounds for the Chebyshev Functions $\vartheta(X)$ and $\psi(X)$ II
Math. Comp., 30(134), 337--360.]
because it is easily accessible. However on using
Proposition 5.1 of
Dusart, 2016 †Dusart, Pierre. 2016
Estimates of {$\psi,\theta$} for large values of {$x$} without the Riemann hypothesis
Math. Comp., 85(298), 875--888.],
one has access to $\epsilon=1/36260$.
Here is a result due to
Treviño, 2012 †Treviño, Enrique. 2012
The least inert prime in a real quadratic field
Math. Comp., 81(279), 1777--1797.].
Theorem (2012)
For $x$ a positive real number. If $x \geq x_0$ then there exist $c_1$
and $c_2$ depending on $x_0$ such that
\frac{x^2}{2\log{x}} +
\frac{c_1 x^2}{\log^2{x}} \leq \sum_{p \leq x} p \leq
\frac{x^2}{2\log{x}} + \frac{c_2 x^2}{\log^2{x}}.
The constants
$c_1$ and $c_2$ are given for various values of $x_0$ in the next
$x_0$ |
$c_1$ |
$c_2$ |
315437 |
0.205448 |
0.330479 |
468577 |
0.211359 |
0.32593 |
486377 |
0.212904 |
0.325537 |
644123 |
0.21429 |
0.322609 |
678407 |
0.214931 |
0.322326 |
758231 |
0.215541 |
0.321504 |
758711 |
0.215939 |
0.321489 |
10544111 |
0.239818 |
0.29251 |
Further estimates can be found in
Axler, 2019 †Axler, Christian. 2019
On the sum of the first {$n$} prime numbers
J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 31(2), 293--311.]
(Proposition 2.7 and Corollary 2.8).
Deléglise & Nicolas, 2019a †Deléglise, Marc, & Nicolas, Jean-Louis. 2019a
An arithmetic equivalence of the Riemann hypothesis
J. Aust. Math. Soc., 106(2), 235--273.]
(Proposition 2.7 and Corollary 2.8) and
Deléglise & Nicolas, 2019b †Deléglise, Marc, & Nicolas, Jean-Louis. 2019b
The Landau function and the Riemann Hypothesis
J. Combinatorics and Numb. Th., 11(2), 45--95.]
(Proposition 2.5, Corollary 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8),
we find among other results the next two.
Theorem (2019)
On setting $\pi_r(x)=\sum_{p\le x}p^r$, we have
\frac{3x^2}{20(\log x)^4}
\le \pi_1(x)-\biggl(
\frac{x^2}{2\log x}
+\frac{x^2}{4(\log x)^2}
\frac{x^2}{4(\log x)^3}
\frac{107x^2}{160(\log x)^4}
where the upper estimate is valid when $x\ge 110117910$
and the lower one when $x\ge905238547$.
We have
\frac{-1069x^3}{648(\log x)^4}
\le \pi_2(x)-\biggl(
\frac{x^3}{3\log x}
+\frac{x^3}{9(\log x)^2}
\frac{x^3}{27(\log x)^3}
\frac{11181x^3}{648(\log x)^4}
where the upper estimate is valid when $x\ge 60173$
and the lower one when $x\ge 1091239$.
$$ \pi_3(x)\le 0.271\frac{x^4}{\log x}\quad\text{for $x\ge 664$},$$
$$ \pi_4(x)\le 0.237\frac{x^5}{\log x}\quad\text{for $x\ge 200$},$$
$$ \pi_5(x)\le 0.226\frac{x^5}{\log x}\quad\text{for $x\ge 44$},$$
For $x\ge 1$ and $r\ge5$, we have
$$ \pi_r(x)\le \frac{\log 3}{3}\bigl(1+(2/3)^r\bigr)
\frac{x^{r+1}}{\log x}$$.
3. Bounds containing $n$-th prime
Denote by $p_n$ the $n$-th prime. Thus $p_1=2,\;p_2=3,\; p_4=5,\cdots$.
The classical form of prime number theorem yields easily
$p_n \sim n \log n.$
Rosser, 1938 †Rosser, J.B. 1938
The $n$-th prime is greater than $n\log n$
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser., 45, 21--44.]
shows that this equivalence does not oscillate
by proving that $p_n$ is greater than $n\log n$ for $n\geq 2$.
The asymptotic formula for $p_n$ can be developped as shown in
Cipolla, 1902 †Cipolla, M. 1902
La determinatzione assintotica dell`$n^{imo}$ numero primo
Matematiche Napoli, 3, 132--166.]:
p_n\sim n\left(\log n+\log\log n -1+\frac{\log\log n-2}{\log n}
-\frac{(\ln\ln n)^2-6\log\log n +11}{2\log^2 n}+\cdots\right).
This asymptotic expansion is the inverse of the logarithmic integral
$\mbox{Li}(x)$ obtained by series reversion.
Rosser, 1938 †Rosser, J.B. 1938
The $n$-th prime is greater than $n\log n$
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser., 45, 21--44.]
also proved that for every $n> 1$:
n (\log n + \log \log n - 10) < p_n < n (\log n + \log\log n +8).
He improves these results in
Rosser, 1941 †Rosser, J.B. 1941
Explicit bounds for some functions of prime numbers
Amer. J. Math., 63, 211--232.]
: for every $n\geq 55$,
n (\log n + \log \log n - 4) < p_n < n (\log n + \log\log n +2).
This result was subsequently improved by Rosser and Schoenfeld
Rosser & Schoenfeld, 1962 †Rosser, J.B., & Schoenfeld, L. 1962
Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers
Illinois J. Math., 6, 64--94.]
in 1962 to
n (\log n + \log \log n - 3/2) < p_n < n (\log n + \log\log n -1/2),
for $n > 1$ and $n > 19$ respectively.
The constants were subsequently reduced by
Robin, 1983a †Robin, G. 1983a
Estimation de la fonction de Tchebychef $\theta$ sur le $k$-ième nombres premiers et grandes valeurs de la fonction $\omega(n)$ nombre de diviseurs premiers de $n$
Acta Arith., 42, 367--389.].
In particular, the lower bound
n (\log n + \log \log n - 1.0072629) < p_n
is valid for $n>1$ and the constant $1.0072629$ can be replaced by 1 for
$p_k\leq 10^{11}$.
Massias & Robin, 1996 †Massias, J.-P., & Robin, G. 1996
Bornes effectives pour certaines fonctions concernant les nombres premiers
J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 8(1), 215--242.]
showed that the lower bound constant equals to 1 was admissible for
$p_k < e^{598}$
and $p_k > e^{1800}$. Finally,
Dusart, 1999b †Dusart, P. 1999b
The $k$th prime is greater than $k(\ln k+\ln\ln k-1)$ for $k\geq 2$
Math. Comp., 68(225), 411--415.]
n(\log n - \log \log n - 1) < p_n
$$ for all $n > 1$, and also that
p_n < n (\log n + \log\log n - 0.9484)
$$ for $n > 39017$ i.e. $p_n > 467\,473$.
Carneiro et al., 2019 †Carneiro, Emanuel, Milinovich, Micah, & Soundararajan, Kannan. 2019
Fourier optimization and prime gaps
the authors prove the next result.
Theorem (2019)
Under the Riemann Hypothesis we have $p_{n+1}-p_n\le\frac{22}{25}\sqrt{p_n}\log p_n$.
Axler, 2019 †Axler, Christian. 2019
On the sum of the first {$n$} prime numbers
J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 31(2), 293--311.],
we find (Theorem 1.6 and 1.7) the next result.
Theorem (2019)
We have
\sum_{i\le k}p_i\ge
\frac{k^2}4 +\frac{k^2}{4\log k}
-\frac{k^2(\log\log k-2.9)}{4(\log k)^2}\quad(\text{for $k\ge 6309751$}),
as well as
\sum_{i\le k}p_i\le
\frac{k^2}4 +\frac{k^2}{4\log k}
-\frac{k^2(\log\log k-4.42)}{4(\log k)^2}\quad(\text{for $k\ge 256376$}),
De Koninck & Letendre, 2020 †De Koninck, Jean-Marie, & Letendre, Patrick. 2020
New upper bounds for the number of divisors function
Colloq. Math., 162(1), 23--52.],
we find in passing (Lemma 4.8) the next result.
Theorem (2020)
We have
\sum_{i\le k}\log p_i\le
k\bigl(\log k+\log\log -3/4\Bigr)\quad(\text{for $k\ge 4$}),
as well as
\sum_{i\le k}\log\log p_i\ge
k\biggl(\log\log k+\frac{\log\log -5/4}{\log k}\biggr)
\quad(\text{for $k\ge319$}).
4. Bounds on primes in arithmetic progressions
Collecting references:
McCurley, 1984a †McCurley, K.S. 1984a
Explicit estimates for the error term in the prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions
Math. Comp., 42, 265--285.],
McCurley, 1984b †McCurley, K.S. 1984b
Explicit estimates for $\theta(x;3,\ell)$ and $\psi(x;3,\ell)$
Math. Comp., 42, 287--296.],
Ramaré & Rumely, 1996 †Ramaré, O., & Rumely, R. 1996
Primes in arithmetic progressions
Math. Comp., 65, 397--425.],
Dusart, 2002 †Dusart, P. 2002
Estimates for $\theta(x;k,\ell)$ for large values of $x$
Math. Comp., 71(239), 1137--1168.],
Lemma 10 of [
Moree, 2004 †Moree, P. 2004
Chebyshev's bias for composite numbers with restricted prime divisors
Math. Comp., 73(245), 425--449.],
section 4 of
Moree & te Riele, 2004 †Moree, P., & te Riele, H.J.J. 2004
The hexagonal versus the square lattice
Math. Comp., 73(245), 451--473.].
A consequence of Theorem 1.1 and 1.2 of
Bennett et al., 2018 †Bennett, Michael A., Martin, Greg, O'Bryant, Kevin, & Rechnitzer, Andrew. 2018
Explicit bounds for primes in arithmetic progressions
Illinois J. Math., 62(1-4), 427--532.]
states that
Theorem (2018)
We have
\max_{3\le q\le 10^4}\max_{ x\ge 8\cdot 10^9}\max_{\substack{1\le a\le q,\\
\frac{\log x}{x}\Bigl|
\sum_{\substack{n\le x,\\ n\equiv a[q]}}\Lambda(n)
-\frac{x}{\varphi(q)}\Bigr|\le 1/840.
When $q\in(10^4, 10^5]$, we may replace $1/840$ by $1/160$ and when
$q\ge 10^5$, we may replace $1/840$ by $\exp(0.03\sqrt{q}\log^3q)$.
Furthermore, we may replace
$\sum_{\substack{n\le x,\\ n\equiv a[q]}}\Lambda(n)$ by
$\sum_{\substack{p\le x,\\ p\equiv a[q]}}\log p$ with no changes in
the constants.
Similarly, as a consequence of Theorem 1.3 of
Bennett et al., 2018 †Bennett, Michael A., Martin, Greg, O'Bryant, Kevin, & Rechnitzer, Andrew. 2018
Explicit bounds for primes in arithmetic progressions
Illinois J. Math., 62(1-4), 427--532.]
states that
Theorem (2018)
We have
\max_{3\le q\le 10^4}\max_{ x\ge 8\cdot 10^9}\max_{\substack{1\le a\le q,\\
\frac{\log^2 x}{x}\Bigl|
\sum_{\substack{p\le x,\\ p\equiv a[q]}}1
-\frac{\textrm{Li}(x)}{\varphi(q)}\Bigr|\le 1/840.
When $q\in(10^4, 10^5]$, we may replace $1/840$ by $1/160$ and when
$q\ge 10^5$, we may replace $1/840$ by $\exp(0.03\sqrt{q}\log^3q)$.
Concerning estimates with a logarithmic density, in
Ramaré, 2002 †Ramaré, O. 2002
Sur un théorème de Mertens
Manuscripta Math., 108, 483--494.]
and in
Platt & Ramaré, 2017 †Platt, D.J., & Ramaré, O. 2017
Explicit estimates: from ${\Lambda}(n)$ in arithmetic progressions to ${\Lambda}(n)/n$
Exp. Math., 26, 77--92.],
estimates for the functions
$\displaystyle\sum_{\substack{n\le x,\\ n\equiv a[q]}}\Lambda(n)/n$
are considered.
Extending computations from the former, the latter paper Theorem 8.1
reads as follows.
Theorem (2016)
We have
\max_{q\le 1000}\max_{q\le x\le 10^5}\max_{\substack{1\le a\le q,\\
\sum_{\substack{n\le x,\\ n\equiv a[q]}}\frac{\Lambda(n)}{n}
-\frac{\log x}{\varphi(q)}-C(q,a)\Bigr|\in(0.8533,0.8534)
and the maximum is attained with $q=17$, $x=606$ and $a=2$.
The constant $C(q,a)$ is the one expected, i.e. such that
$\sum_{\substack{n\le x,\\ n\equiv a[q]}}\frac{\Lambda(n)}{n}
-\frac{\log x}{\varphi(q)}-C(q,a)$ goes to
zero when $x$ goes to infinity.
When $q$ belongs to "Rumely's list", i.e. in one of the
following set:
- $\{k\le 72\}$
- $\{k\le 112, \text{$k$ non premier}\}$
- $\begin{aligned}\{116, 117, &120, 121, 124, 125, 128, 132, 140,
143, 144, 156, 163, \\ &169, 180, 216, 243, 256, 360, 420, 432\}\end{aligned}$
Theorem 2 of
Ramaré, 2002 †Ramaré, O. 2002
Sur un théorème de Mertens
Manuscripta Math., 108, 483--494.]
gives the following.
Theorem (2002)
When $q$ belongs to Rumely's list and $a$ is prime to $q$, we have
\sum_{\substack{n\le x,\\ n\equiv a[q]}}\frac{\Lambda(n)}{n}
=\frac{\log x}{\varphi(q)}+C(q,a)+O^*(1)
as soon as $x\ge1$.
More precise bounds are given.
5. Least prime verifying a condition
Bach & Sorenson, 1996 †Bach, E., & Sorenson, J. 1996
Explicit bounds for primes in residue classes
Math. Comp., 65(216), 1717--1735.],
Kadiri, 2008 †Kadiri, H. 2008
Short effective intervals containing primes in arithmetic progressions and the seven cube problem
Math. Comp., 77(263), 1733--1748.],
Last updated on June 3rd, 2022, by Olivier Ramaré