More precise scripts!
This page offers several routines that will help the reader to study some precise problems. In time, the number of such routines will increase. The main problem just now is that my private scripts were written in C with a graphical GTK part and that I have to convert them to Java. The basic part is in Javascript and is what is presented below! This version is restricted to solving problems in not more than 10 moves. I'll provide a certicate to remove this restriction later :)

You should first select or build a board; then ask for the precomputations to be run. This script will compute a basis of characteristics (in general, there will be four of them), as well as some particularly simple potentials (sixteen of Fibonacci type, and four of counting type), which I call "elementary".

You can then determine a starting position and a final one: this are the two components of the problem to study.

Build or select your board here!

And when you are ready:

Problem study ...
