The typos of the book "Excursions in Multiplicative Number Theory" are collected here.

Thanks are due to J. Avigdor from Charenton Le Pont and to Allen Stenger. (Last update: July 13th, 2024)
  1. P. x, Acknowledgment line 1.
    french should be French.
  2. P. 6, line 5 of section 1.3.
    The last element in the list should be $p^\alpha$, not $p^{\alpha - 1}$.
  3. P. 8, Exercise 1.12.
    The question should be:
    Show that we have $\varphi(n)\ge \bigl($ ${\frac{2}{9}}$ ${}\bigr)^{{1}/{3}}n^{{2}/{3}}$ for all $n\ge 1$.
    A $\frac{9}{2}$ took the place of the $\frac{2}{9}$ in the book.
  4. P. 26, line 3.
    $n^{\Re s - r} < 1$ should be $n^{\Re s - r} \le 1$ (equality occurs if $n = 1$ or if $\Re s = r$).
  5. P. 34, section 3.5 title.
    Unitarian should be Unitary.
  6. P. 42, line 5 from bottom.
    ``On using $1 + \alpha_p \le \log(2n)$'': This inequality is false when $p=2$, where it should be "$1 + \alpha_2 \le \log(2n)/\log 2$". In that case $\log(1+\alpha_2)\le \log\log(2n)-\log\log 2\le (1-\frac{\log\log 2}{\log\log 6})\log\log(2n) \le 1.7 \log\log(2n)$. To correct the proof, set $u_2=1.7$ and $u_p=1$ when $p\ge 3$. We have $$ \sum_{p^{\alpha_p}\|n \\ p < P}\log(1+\alpha_p) \le \log \log(2n)\sum_{p < P} u_p \le P \log \log(2n). $$ The proof then proceeds as before.
  7. P. 44, first line.
    ``without prime factors $\le D$'' should be ``without prime factors $ > D$''
  8. P. 54, Exercise 5-9, part 3.
    $p$ should be $b$ throughout (3 places).
  9. P. 54, line 5.
    In ``the functions lfun and Ldata'': Ldata is a structure, not a function.
  10. P. 56, line 3.
    ``there exists forcibly'': ``forcibly'' is the wrong word, it should be ``necessarily''.
  11. P. 56, Exercise 5-10, part 3.
    For the range of summation, $d/[x/d]=m$ should be $d:[x/d]=m$.
  12. P. 74, Exercise 7-6, part 3.
    ``whenever $g$ is absolutely continuous over every segment in $[1, \infty)$ that vanishes at $1$'': This is not clear. It should be ``whenever $g$ is absolutely continuous over every segment in $[1, \infty)$ and $g$ vanishes at $1$'', as it doesn't make sense to say that a segment vanishes at $1$.
  13. P. 74, Exercise 7-6, part 6.
    Theorem 6.1 should be Corollary 6.1.
  14. P. 87, line 3 from bottom.
    ``the problematic we address'': ``problematic'' is the wrong word, it should be ``problem''.
  15. P. 93, line 5.
    $$(1 - z^j) = 1 - \frac{z^j}{1 - z^j} \text{ should be } (1 - z^j)^{-1} = 1 + \frac{z^j}{1 - z^j}$$
  16. P. 93, lines 6--7.
    The symbol $a_j$ is being re-used here; it is already defined in equation (9.5) in the statement of the theorem.
  17. P. 94, Exercise 9-5, part 3.
    $M(-1; 1) = M(-1,2) = 1$ should be $M(-1; 1) = -1, M(-1,2) = 1$.
  18. P. 94, Theorem 9.6.
    The bound $$ \max(I;1/I)\le \exp\biggl(\frac{(\deg F+\deg G)(\beta/P)^JP}{(1-\beta/P)J}\biggr) $$ should be $$ \max(I;1/I)\le \exp\biggl(\frac{2(\deg F+\deg G)(\beta/P)^JP}{(1-\beta/P)J}\biggr) $$
  19. P. 95, line 9.
    In the expression $ |b_F(j) - b_G(j)| \le (\deg F + \deg G) \beta^j / j, $ the right-hand side should be $ 2 (\deg F + \deg G) \beta^j / j, $ because there is a factor $2$ in equation (9.7).
  20. P. 95, line after equation (9.15).
    In the long expression, $|t \beta|^J$ should be $|z \beta|^J$.
  21. P. 96, Exercise 9-8, part 2.
    $k \ge 2$ should be $k \ge 3$.
  22. P. 96, equation (21.3) and following.
    The product given here is mis-identified as $\mathscr{C}_1$ but should be $\mathscr{C}_2$. The definition of $\mathscr{C}_1$ is in equation (0.3) on P. vii. The definition of $\mathscr{C}_2$ is in equation (21.3) on P. 221. Also, ``Recall that'' is incorrect here because $\mathscr{C}_2$ has not been defined yet.
  23. P. 105, Example 1.
    $\displaystyle \prod_{p\ge 2}\biggl(1-\frac{1}{(p-1)p^{s+1}}-\frac{1}{(p-1)p^{s+2}}\biggr)$ should be $\displaystyle \prod_{p\ge 2}\biggl(1+\frac{1}{(p-1)p^{s+1}}-\frac{1}{(p-1)p^{s+2}}\biggr)$ .
  24. P. 107, Example 1.
    $\displaystyle g_2(p)=g_3(p)=-\frac1{p(p-1)}$ should be $\displaystyle g_2(p)=-g_3(p)=\frac1{p(p-1)}$ .
  25. P. 111, line 4.
    The reference should be Lemma 10.1 and not to Lemma 10.2 .
  26. P. 111, Exercise 10-4, part 1.
    ``$E_n$ stands for the set of integers whose prime factors divide $n$'' should be ``$E_n$ stands for the set of multiples of $n$ whose prime factors divide $n$'' .
  27. P. 114, line 4.
    The reference [4] should point to volume 22 and not to volume 21 .
  28. P. 115, line 6 from bottom.
    (7.4) should be (7.5).
  29. P. 117, last two lines.
    At the end of each line, $O(1)$ should be $O(\sqrt{x})$.
  30. P. 119, Exercise 11-6.
    The last line should end with period (.).
  31. P. 122, line 7 from bottom.
    Lemma 20.5 should be Lemma 20.4.
  32. P. 124, script.
    The script is unbalanced in parentheses and should end with x)));}
  33. P. 124, Exercise 12-2.
    $0 < y < 3$ should be $1 < y < 3$.
  34. P. 126, Exercise 12-6.
    The exercise ends with ``Conclude''. This is better replaced by "Prove that $p_n\ge \tfrac43 n\log n$".
  35. P. 128, line 5.
    In the display, $7/10$ should be $7/5$.
  36. P. 128, script.
    This is the wrong script for this proof; it is the same script as on P. 134. It should be the next one.
    {Lambda(d) = my(dec = factor(d), P = dec[,1]);
       if(#P != 1, return(0), return(log(P[1])));}

    {check( upperlimit ) =
       my(res = -2/3, mymax = 0, where = 1, aux);
       for( n = 2, upperlimit,
         res += Lambda(n)/n;
         aux = max(abs(res - log(n)) , abs(res - log(n+1)));
         if( aux > mymax, mymax = aux; where = n,));
       print("When x <= ", upperlimit, " we have ");
       print("|\sum_{n<=x}Lambda(n)/n - (log x-2/3)| <= ", mymax);
       print("The maximum is reached around x = ", where);}
  37. P. 129, Exercise 12-11, next to last line.
    $$ M(f) \le \left( D(f) \sum_{p \le N} \frac{1}{p} \right)^{1/2} \text{ should be } |M(f)| \le \left( D(f) \sum_{p \le N} \frac{1}{p} \right)^{1/2}. $$ (This stronger inequality is true, and is needed to assert the lower bound included in the $o()$ on the last line.)
  38. P. 131, line 2 from bottom.
    $\displaystyle \sum_{k\ge2}\sum_{p^k\le x}\frac{1}{kp^k} = \sum_{k\ge2}\sum_{p\le x}\frac{1}{kp^k} -\sum_{k\ge2}\sum_{p^k> x}\frac{1}{kp^k}$ should be $\displaystyle \sum_{k\ge2}\sum_{p^k\le x}\frac{1}{kp^k} = \sum_{k\ge2}\sum_{p\ge 2}\frac{1}{kp^k} -\sum_{k\ge2}\sum_{p^k> x}\frac{1}{kp^k}$ (the second summation over $p$ should not be restricted to $p\le x$).
  39. P. 134, Further Reading.
    treaty should be treatise.
  40. P. 141, line 6.
    ``non especially non-negative'' should be ``in particular, non-negative'' .
  41. P. 142, line 3.
    ``for every primes'' should be ``for every prime'' .
  42. Proof of Theorem 13.3, P. 143, line 5.
    $\displaystyle G_p(X) = G(X) - \sum_{k \ge 1} G_p(D/p^k)$ should be $\displaystyle G_p(X) = G(X) - \sum_{k \ge 1} g(p^k) G_p(D/p^k)$ .
  43. P. 144, line 2.
    The inequality $\displaystyle 1/(1+x)\le 1+2x$ when $0\le x\le 1/2$ is not enough. What we need is $\displaystyle 1/(1+x)= 1+\mathcal{O}^*(2x)$ when $0\le x\le 1/2$ .
  44. P. 144, line 2 from bottom.
    $\displaystyle \sqrt{2}(\log x + O^*(7/6))$ when $x \ge 2)$ should be $\displaystyle \sqrt{2}(\log Q + O^*(7/6))$ when $Q \ge 2)$ (the variable name is $Q$ and not $x$).
  45. P. 147, last line of Theorem 13.4 statement.
    ``where $C$ is as in Theorem 13.3.'' should be ``where $C$ is as in Theorem 13.3, taking $g(d) = f(d)/d$.''
  46. P. 148, lines 6--7.
    $Q$ should be $D$ throughout.
  47. P. 149.
    Reference [6] indicates volume 43 but it should be volume 18.
  48. P. 152, proof of Lemma 14.3, line 3 from bottom.
    ``second sum'' should be ``second product''.
  49. P. 152, proof of Lemma 14.3, line 2 from bottom.
    ``recurrence hypotheses'' should be ``inductive hypothesis''.
  50. P. 155, question 4 of Exercise 14-6.
    ``By combining Exer. 12-4'' should be ``By combining Exer. 12-3'', refering to the correct exercise.
  51. P. 161, line 5 from bottom.
    ``Sect. 16'' should be ``Chap. 16''.
  52. P. 162, line 7 from bottom.
    ``taking $\beta = \pi \alpha$'' should be ``taking $\beta = 2 \pi \alpha$''.
  53. P. 167, Exercise 15-14. The notation for the sums and products is garbled in this exercise. Here is the correct complete exercise.
    Exercise 15-14.
    For any real parameter $x$ larger than 2, we set
        $\displaystyle S(x) = \prod_{p\le x}\biggl(1-\frac{\chi_4(p)}{p}\biggr)^{-1}, \quad T(x) = \sum_{n\le x}\frac{\chi_4(n)\Lambda(n)}{n\log n} $
    with the aim of showing that $\displaystyle L(1,\chi_4)=\lim_{x\rightarrow\infty}S(x)$.
    1 ◇  By using the previous exercise and the remark following it, show that $S(x)$ tends to some limit $\ell$ when $x$ goes to infinity.
    2 ◇  Show that $ T(x)-\log S(x) \ll x^{-1/2} $ and conclude that $S(x)$ also tends to $\ell$.
    3 ◇  Show that, for any $\delta>0$, we have $\displaystyle \delta\int_1^\infty T(x)\frac{dx}{x^{1+\delta}}= \log L(1+\delta,\chi_4).$ Conclude.
  54. P. 168, line 8, Epilogue.
    Theorem 12-2 should be Theorem 15-2.
  55. P. 168, line 11, Epilogue.
    ``who was barely twenty years old'' should be ``who was barely thirty years old''. Furthermore de la Vallée-Poussin should be de la Vallée Poussin, without hyphen.
  56. P. 173, line 13.
    In the displayed formula, $\chi$ should be (twice) $\chi_4$.
  57. P. 176, Reference [3].
    Sequence should be Sequences.
  58. P. 176, Reference [8].
    $n^2 a$ should be $n^2+a$.
  59. P. 176, Reference [9].
    $n^2 1$ should be $n^2 +1$.
  60. P. 180, line 9.
    ``$\chi^k$ is multiplicative'' is not enough and should be ``$\chi^k$ is completely multiplicative''.
  61. P. 181, line 2.
    Theorem 17.2 should be Theorem 17.1.
  62. P. 181, line 2.
    ``they vanish when $j > j_0k$'' should be ``they vanish when $j < j_0k$''.
  63. P. 183, line 10.
    In question 1 of Exercise 17-7, $\displaystyle \ell(s)=\sum_{p\equiv 3[4]}\log\frac{1+p^{-s}}{1-p^{s}}$ should be $\displaystyle \ell(s)=\sum_{p\equiv 3[4]}\log\frac{1+p^{-s}}{1-p^{-s}}$ .
  64. P. 185, line 2.
    ``infinitely chains'' should be ``infinitely many chains''.
  65. P. 185, line 5.
    ``lign'' should be ``row''.
  66. P. 185, line 5.
    ``wave'' should be ``waive''.
  67. P. 185, Reference [3].
    ``de composition'' should be ``décomposition''.
  68. P. 185, Reference [9].
    23 () should be 23 (1925).
  69. P. 186, Reference [15].
    ``erratum 5 (1958)'' should be ``erratum 5 (1959)''.
  70. P. 187, line 8.
    ``divisors of 3'' should be ``multiples of 3''.
  71. P. 187, line 9.
    ``10 possibilities'' should be ``22 possibilities''.
  72. P. 187, line 8.
    should be .
  73. P. 190, line 4 from bottom.
    In the displayed sum, the conditions on $d$ should be $d \le \sqrt{n^2 + 1}, d | (n^2+1)$ (add condition $d | (n^2+1)$)).
  74. P. 191, line 10 from bottom.
    developped should be developed.
  75. P. 204, line 6 from bottom.
    ``no residue of the summand'' should be ``no residue of the integrand''.
  76. P. 205, 207 and Index.
    Cahen-Millen should be Cahen-Mellin.
  77. P. 210, line 13.
    2 arctan$(T/\kappa)$ should be 2i arctan$(T/\kappa)$, so the sentence should be ``the first integral equals $2i\text{arctan}(T/\kappa)$, and the absolute value of this is $\le \pi$, while ...''
  78. P. 218, lines 3 and 5.
    Lemma 19.1 should be Proposition 19.1.
  79. P. 218, line 12.
    Lemma 20.4 should be Lemma 20.5.
  80. P. 218, Step 5.
    The sentence ``In our region, we have $\Gamma(\sigma + i t) \ll (1 + |t|)^{5/8} \exp - (\pi |t|/2)$'' does not belong here: the region is $\sigma\ge 7/4$ which is not introduced before Step 6. Please, simply ignore this sentence.
  81. P. 218, lineS 3 and 4 from bottom.
    The integration bound $2+iT$ should (twice) be $3+iT$ and similarly the integration bound $2-iT$ should (twice) be $3-iT$.
  82. P. 219, line 1.
    For the first integral we should move the first absolute value and write $\displaystyle \biggl| \int_{3 + iT}^{7/4 + i T} D(f_0,s) \Gamma(s) x^s \, ds \biggr| $
  83. P. 219, lines 1 and 4.
    The integral sign $\displaystyle\int^{3}_{3/4}$ should be $\displaystyle\int^{2}_{3/4}$.
    A similar confusion occurs line 4 where the integral sign $\displaystyle\int^{2-iT}_{7/4-iT}$ should be $\displaystyle\int^{3-iT}_{7/4-iT}$.
  84. P. 219, line 3.
    Lemma 19.1 should be Proposition 19.1.
  85. P. 219, line 3.
    Lemma 19.1 should be Proposition 19.1.
  86. P. 219, line 8 from bottom.
    The sentence ``on majorizing $(4 + t^2)^{5/8}$ by $(2t)^{5/8}$ when $t \ge 2$'' is incorrect. It should be ``on majorizing $(4 + t^2)^{5/8}$ by $(2t^2)^{5/8}$ when $t \ge 2$'' . This has consequences on the subsequent inequalities. This proof can be improved in numerous way, but here is one that still leads to the Claim of Step 7 without too many changes: simply improve the bound $\int_0^2|\Gamma(7/4+it)|dt\le 2\Gamma(7/4)$ by using numerical integration. The Pari/GP script $\texttt{intnum(t=0,2,abs(gamma(7/4+I*t)))}$ tells us that this integral is bounded above by $1.265$.

    ``We thus find that, on majorizing $(4+t^2)^{5/8}$ by $(2t^2)^{5/8}$ when $t\ge 2$, $$ \left|\int_{7/4-i\infty}^{7/4+i\infty} D(f_0,s)\Gamma(s) x^sds\right| \le 2x^{7/4}\biggl( 203\cdot 1.265 +160\cdot\sqrt{2\pi}\cdot e^{1/12}\cdot 2^{5/8} \int_2^\infty t^{3/2}\log t \, e^{-\pi t/2}dt \biggr)\;. $$ We have now gone far enough in the analysis of the problem to finish by numerical integration: $\texttt{aux = intnum( t = 2, [[+1], Pi/2], t^(3/2)*log(t)*exp(-Pi/2*t));}$ followed by $\texttt{2*(257 + 673 * aux)}$. ''
    This would enable us to improve the inequality of Step 7 in $$ \frac1{2\pi}\left|\int_{7/4-i\infty}^{7/4+i\infty} D(f_0,s)\Gamma(s) x^sds\right| \le 680\cdot x^{7/4}\;. $$
  87. P. 220, Exercise 21-1.
    $\pi^2x^2/12$ should be $6x^2/\pi^2$.
  88. P. 223, Eq. (22.1).
    $\mathscr{C}_1$ should be $\mathscr{C}_2$.
  89. P. 223, line 2 from bottom.
    The second factor $\displaystyle\left(1-\frac{n}{x+L}\right)$ should be $\displaystyle\left(1-\frac{n}{x}\right)$.
  90. P. 224, line 1.
    $\mathscr{C}_1$ should be $\mathscr{C}_2$.
  91. P. 225, line 1.
    $\displaystyle\limsup_{n\rightarrow\infty}$ should be $\displaystyle\limsup_{N\rightarrow\infty}$ .
  92. P. 226, line 8 from bottom.
    The second integral, $\displaystyle\int_0^1|\log t|dt$ should be $\displaystyle\int_0^1(\log t)^2dt$ .
  93. P. 228, line 2 from bottom, P. 229, line 9 and P. 230, line 12.
    $\mathscr{C}_1$ should be $\mathscr{C}_2$.
  94. P. 234, line 14 from bottom.
    $ |\zeta(\sigma)|^3 |\zeta(\sigma + i t)|^4 |\zeta(\sigma + 2 i t)| \ge 0 $ should be $ |\zeta(\sigma)|^3 |\zeta(\sigma + i t)|^4 |\zeta(\sigma + 2 i t)| \ge 1 $ (lower bound is $1$, not $0$).
  95. P. 235, Exercise 23-1.
    The initial sentence ``Let $D(t) = \sum_{n \ge 1} a_n n^{i t}$ and $D^*(t) = \sum_{n \ge 1} a^*_n n^{i t}$ be two Dirichlet series, both absolutely convergent for $\Re s \ge 0$'' is confusing and, strictly speaking, wrong. It can be ``Let $D(s) = \sum_{n \ge 1} a_n n^{-s}$ and $D^*(s) = \sum_{n \ge 1} a^*_n n^{-s}$ be two Dirichlet series, both absolutely convergent for $\Re s \ge 0$'', but later, one should replace $D(t)$ by $D(it)$ and $D^*(2t)$ by $D^*(2it)$. Another way to fix this is to simply say ``Let $D(t) = \sum_{n \ge 1} a_n n^{i t}\) and \(D^*(t) = \sum_{n \ge 1} a^*_n n^{i t}$ be two series, both absolutely convergent for all real $t$.''
  96. P. 235, line 10.
    $[s-1|$ should be $|s-1|$.
  97. P. 235, line 14.
    The proof is confusing at this point. It is better to add: ``We have proved that $|1/\zeta(\sigma+it)|\le 20(\sigma-1)$ when $|s-1|\le 3/5$ and $\sigma\ge 3/4$. This implies the claimed inequality when $|s-1|\le 1/2.$''
  98. P. 236, line 3 from bottom.
    ``We now take $x=y=1/5^9$'' should be ``We now take $x=y=1/6^9$'' .
  99. P. 238, line 14.
    $\displaystyle\int_0^T\frac{2dt}{1+t}\le 2\log(1+T)$ should be $\displaystyle\int_0^T\frac{2dt}{1+t}= 2\log(1+T)$ .
  100. P. 238, line 9.
    The statement ``As for the first part, we use Lemma 7.1'' is incorrect and comes from a confusion of the true content of Lemma 7.1. It is better to write:
    On invoking Cor. 23.1 and Lemma 7.1, we see that the second sum is bounded is absolute value by $$ \mathcal{O}\biggl(\frac{x}{(\log x)^A}\biggr) \sum_{m\le \sqrt{x}}\frac{\log m}m \ll_A \frac{x}{(\log x)^{A-2}}\;. $$ As for the first part, we proceed as in Lemma 7.1 to prove that $\displaystyle\sum_{m\le M}\log M=M\log M-M+\mathcal{O}(\log(2M))$. This leads to $$ \sum_{\ell \le \sqrt{x}}\mu(\ell)\sum_{m\le x/\ell}\log m = x\sum_{\ell \le \sqrt{x}}\frac{\mu(\ell)}{\ell} \Bigl(\log\frac{x}{\ell}-1\Bigr) +\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{x}\log x)\;. $$ .
  101. P. 240, line 9.
    ``value fo $F'(1)$'' should be ``value of $F'(1)$'' .
  102. P. 240, Exercise 23-9.
    $\mathscr{C}_1$ should be $\sqrt{2}\mathscr{C}_1$. .
  103. P. 243, line 6.
    ``due to the K.~Iseki'' should be``due to K.~Iseki''.
  104. P. 244, line 4.
    ``$F_2(x)=x-\gamma$'' should be ``$F_2(x)=x-\gamma-1$'' .
  105. P. 245, proof of Proposition 24.1.
    Several $\pm$ signs are not what they should be and some more details are called for. Here is a corrected version:
    ``We use Theorem 6.2 with $h(t)=(-\log t)/t$, $f(n)=\mu(n)$ and $g(n)=1$. On recalling Lemma 7.1 as well as Eq. (7.1), we find that $\displaystyle \sum_{n\le t}\frac{\log(t/n)}{n} =\frac12\log^2t+\gamma\log t-\gamma_1+\mathcal{O}\Bigl(\frac{\log(2t)}{t}\Bigr)\;. $ This leads to our choice of $H$, as the main term above should be $H'(t)$. Since $$ (at\log^2t+bt\log t+ct)'= a\log^2t+(2a+b)\log t+b+c $$ we select $H(t)=\tfrac12t\log^2t-(\gamma+1)t\log t+(\gamma_1+\gamma+1)t$. Theorem 6.2 with these choices gives us \begin{multline*} \sum_{n\le x}\frac{\mu(n)}{n}\Bigl( \frac12\log^2\frac xn-(\gamma+1)\log \frac{x}n+(\gamma_1+\gamma+1) \Bigr) =(\gamma_1+\gamma+1)\frac{M(x)}{x} +\log x \\-1+\frac1x +\frac1x\int_1^x M(x/t) \biggl( \frac12\log^2t+\gamma\log t-\gamma_1-\sum_{n\le t}\frac{\log(t/n)}{n}\biggr) dt\;. \end{multline*} We then plug in the estimates $|M(t)|\le t$, $|\sum_{n\le x}\mu(n)/n|\le1$ as well as the von Mangoldt estimate $$ \sum_{n\le x}\frac{\mu(n)}{n}\log \frac{x}n\ll1 $$ to conclude the proof.'' .
  106. P. 251, line 7.
    sticked should be stuck.
  107. P. 251, line 7 from bottom.
    ``to every integers'' should be ``to every integer''.
  108. P. 251, last displayed formula.
    $\zeta(2 - a)$ should be $C \zeta(2 - a)$.
  109. P. 252, line 4.
    Exr. 3-4 should be Exer. 3-6.
  110. P. 252, Exercise25-2 part 1.
    any nonnegative $\sigma$ should be any positive $\sigma$, as $\sigma=0$ causes a division by 0.
  111. P. 255, line 13.
    $\sum_{\genfrac{}{}{0 pt}{}{d \le D}{d | P(z)}} \mu(d) $ should be $\sum_{\genfrac{}{}{0 pt}{}{d \le D}{d | Q}} \mu(d) $ .
  112. P. 258, line 1.
    ``The sieve problematic'' should be ``The sieve method'' .
  113. P. 258, line 1.
    ``The sieve problematic'' should be ``The sieve method'' .
  114. P. 258, reference [5].
    This reference is to a book and should be formatted as a book.
  115. P. 260, line 3.
    $(\rho - \rho^{-1})\rho^{-2k}$ should be $(\rho + \rho^{-1})\rho^{-2k}$ , (wrong sign).
  116. P. 260, line 8 from bottom.
    $N_k \ge (1 + \sqrt{2})^k / 2$ should be $N_k \le (1 + \sqrt{2})^k / 2$ .
  117. P. 260, line 2 from bottom.
    ``coprime positive integer'' should be ``coprime positive integers'' .
  118. P. 261, line 5.
    ``the points $h \alpha$ are distant from one another by at least $1/(2q)$'' should be ``the points $h \alpha$ modulo 1 are distant from one another by at least $1/(2q)$'' .
  119. P. 262, line 9.
    ``loose a logarithmic factor'' should be ``lose a logarithmic factor'' .
  120. P. 262, line 9.
    ``loose a logarithmic factor'' should be ``lose a logarithmic factor'' .
  121. P. 264, line 7 from bottom.
    ``forcibly larger than or equal to $z$'' should be ``larger than or equal to $z$'' .
  122. PP. 264--265.
    The symbol $Q$ should be $P(z)$ , twice.
  123. P. 265, proof of Theorem 26.3.
    The function $g$ to use in the application of Theorem 26.2 is not stated; it should be $g(n) = e(\rho m)$.
  124. P. 266, line 13.
    $Q\le X/n$ should be $Q\le x/n$ , (lower case $x$).
  125. P. 266, line before last displayed equation.
    ``On gathering our estimates, we have reached'' should be ``On selecting $z=\exp\frac12\sqrt{\log x}$ and on gathering our estimates, we have reached'' .
  126. P. 268, line 6.
    ``if only finitely primes $p$ where such that $\{\rho p\} \notin [a,b]$'' should be ``if there are only finitely primes $p$ such that $\{\rho p\} \notin [a,b]$'' .
  127. P. 273, lines 1--2.
    ``the sequence $(\cos 2 \pi \rho n)$ where $n$ ranges the irregular integers dense in $[-1, 1]$'' should be ``the sequence $(\cos 2 \pi \rho n)_n$ where $n$ ranges the irregular integers is dense in $[-1, 1]$'' .
  128. P. 273, reference [3].
    ''Distjointness'' should be ''Disjointness''.
  129. P. 274, reference [19].
    This reference is to a book and should be formatted as a book.
  130. P. 275, line 11.
    ''E. Cohen'' should be ''H. Cohen''.
  131. P. 276, line 4.
    $x \ge 2 \cdot 10^6$ should be $x \le 2 \cdot 10^6$.
  132. PP. 275--277, proof of Theorem 27-1.
    The proof claims that a verification up to $2\cdot 10^6$ is enough, but we need this bound to be $\ge (3500)^2$ and $2\cdot 10^6$ is not enough, it should be $13\cdot 10^6$. The same simplistic script proposed works well, but may take some minutes, about three and a half on my laptop. The computations are speeded in the next script.
    {Checkbis(upperlimit) =
       my(somme=1.0, bound = 4/log(upperlimit+1));
       forfactored(K = 2, upperlimit,
         somme += moebius(K)/eulerphi(K);
         if(abs(somme) > bound, print("Problem at ", K[1])))};

    This script uses forfactored and avoids computing several logarithms, but still takes more than two minutes. It verifies the claimed property for $k \ge 14$ and the first script concludes immediately.
  133. P. 278, line 4.
    $\frac{2}{25} + \frac{27 \log x}{x^{1/3}} \le 4$ should be $\frac{2\cdot 3}{25} + \frac{27 \log x}{x^{1/3}} \le 4$, (add factor for $D(|h_6|,0)$).
  134. P. 279, line 5.
    ``the large sieve. and stems from'' should be ``the large sieve, and stems from'' , (replace period with comma).
  135. P. 281, Exercise 28-3.
    $\sum_j|f(i,j)|$ should be $\frac12(\sum_j|f(i,j)|+\sum_j|f(j,i)|)$ . The initial inequality is correct if we add the additional hypothesis $f(i,j)=f(j,i)$, which is satisfied in practice.
  136. P. 285, Exercise 28-4.
    The notation $S(q;b)$ should better be $S(b;q)$ to be coherent with P.291.
  137. P. 285, line 10.
    $(W^*(d) = q \sum_{\delta | q}$ should be $W^*(q) = \sum_{\delta | q}$ .
  138. P. 285, line 13.
    $V^*(d) = q^2 \sum_{\delta | q}$ should be $V^*(q) = q \sum_{\delta | q}$ .
  139. P. 285, last displayed equation.
    $\frac{N \log^2 Q}{Q \sqrt{p}}$ should be $\frac{N \log Q}{Q \sqrt{p}}$ .
  140. P. 286, line 6 from bottom.
    ``almost every pairs'' should be ``almost every pair'' .
  141. P. 292, Exercise 29-2, part 2 and 6.
    $|\pi^2T \hat{K}(t)|\ge1$ when $|t|\le T$ should be $|\pi^2T \hat{K}(t)|\ge1$ when $|t|\le T/2$ .
    As a consequence, the integral in part 6 should be $\int_{-T/2}^{T/2}$ and not $\int_{-T}^{T}$.
  142. P. 293, Exercise 29-3.
    The statement of part 2 is not clear. It should be ``Enumerate the triples $(n, n+2, n+4)$ where $n \le 3^{100}$ and each element of the ordered triple is a prime power.''
  143. P. 294, Exercise 29.8 title.
    Erd should be Erdős.
  144. P. 295, reference [4].
    $2^k \ p$ should be $2^k + p$ .
  145. P. 295, reference [8].
    $p \ 2^k$ should be $p + 2^k$ .
  146. P. 295, references [9] and [12].
    These references are to books and should be formatted as books.
  147. P. 295, reference [14].
    ``14 O. Ramaré'' should be ``O. Ramaré'' .
  148. P. 318, Hint for 23-3.
    Lemma 19.2 should be Lemma 19.1.
  149. P. 318, Hint for 23-8.
    Lemma 12.2.1 should be Lemma 12.2.
  150. P. 320, line 13 from bottom.
    for(y = 1, x, should be for(y = begx, endx, .
  151. P. 324, line 12.
    $\hat{K}(t)$ should be $\hat{K}(t) \pi^2 T$ .
  152. P. 325, line 1.
    ``ofenly'' should be ''often'' .
  153. P. 330, item 8.
    Erd should be Erdős.
  154. P. 330, item 9.
    ``All the paper of may'' should be ``All the papers of Ramanujan may''.
  155. P. 331, Name Index.
    Bertand, Joseph should be Bertrand, Joseph.
  156. P. 332, Name Index.
    Geršhgorin, Sëmen Aranovič should be Geršhgorin, Semën Aranovič .
  157. P. 332, Name Index.
    Meissel, Daniel Friedrich Ernst Meissel should be only Meissel, Daniel Friedrich Ernst .